Our Exterior Wood Stain Services

In Colorado, wood homes, siding, and exterior are very common and in fact, sought after! Wood offers a durable option for construction that can take on many shapes and forms, and be changed to fit individual aesthetics even as they evolve over time.

Maintaining the exterior wooden features of your home is crucial to ensuring its longevity, functionality and safety. Or, if you are in a home that has wooden features that just need an update, a fresh coat of stain will do wonders.

Our Staining Process

Regardless of the project type, we believe there are only a few correct ways to approach any project. It’s important to our team that we set ourselves up for success on your home so that you can reap the benefits of your investment for years to come. With that, here are the steps that we follow on any exterior staining project.

  • Surface Prep: In order to achieve the smoothest, most seamless application on wood, it’s important that we properly prep all of the surfaces that we are staining. This includes power washing the area and sanding rough spots. By following specific preparation steps, we can ensure consistent application of your stain for a uniform appearance.
  • Stain Selection: There are a multitude of different stains available, not just in terms of color but also in terms of base. Different bases can create different effects and adhere to wood differently, so working with a professional who understands how to select the right stain is important. We can also help you pick options that fit your desired aesthetic.
  • Careful Application: Stain requires very careful application because it doesn’t remain on the surface of the material like paint does on drywall. Instead, stain soaks into the wood you are applying it to, so it’s important to have a consistent application and removal. Otherwise, your exterior can look darker in some places and lighter in others.
  • Complete Sealing:

    Wood is a material that can take in moisture and other elements, so a complete seal on your recent stain is the best way to ensure that it looks great for years to come. Without properly sealed stains, the Colorado wind, sun, and rain will take a more extreme toll on your wood elements.

Available Exterior Wood Staining Services

Natural wooden accents are a trend that we don’t see going away any time soon, which makes staining an increasingly popular service over traditional painting.

There are a few different places where we typically use exterior stain, and they are as follows:

  • Fences: The perimeter of your yard doesn’t need to look like it’s separate from the house – it’s a great opportunity to show your neighbors and visitors that you maintain your yard and your home. Plus, a sun-worn and damaged fence is less structurally stable and can prevent potential safety hazards around your property.

  • Decks: The ultimate summer hosting spot needs a refresh every now and again, especially with the unpredictable Colorado rain and mile-high heat. High-traffic areas like decks tend to need to be refinished more frequently than fences, but a refinished deck can be a high-impact statement on your homes appearance.

  • Full Wood Exteriors and Wood Siding: Wood siding used to be a very popular siding choice because of its availability and ease of customization. We happily refinish exterior wood siding to help update your home’s appearance and ensure the integrity of your exterior.
  • Garage Doors: Wooden garage doors often need to be refinished every few years because of how frequently they are used. However, if you select the right product and use the right application, you can get a longer life for your garage door stain.

If you have wood finishes on the exterior of your home that you’d like refinished, make sure you reach out to the team at Metrix Painting today!

More Exterior Residential Services

Exterior Staining

We have the knowledge to do any exterior staining project, including resealing a fence, staining a deck, or resealing and staining the entire exterior of your home.

Trim Painting

A fresh coat of paint on your trim can completely transform the look of your home. We always thoroughly prepare the area and paint these accents with great precision for clean, crisp lines.

Pressure Washing

Whether we are prepping your home’s exterior for a project or the outside of your home needs a quick clean, we use pressure washing to take care of those dirty chores that you don’t want to.

Deck Staining and Painting

Staining will boost the overall aesthetic and make it easier to maintain. There are many options, fitting every situation to give your deck the top-quality finish it deserves.